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In these days where we all seem to have so many options for everything we buy or do, there is one choice which many young 'mothers-to-be' may not know too much about.

Yes it's true over the years and still today, one of the very first things the 'mtb' does when learning of her pregnancy is to see the doctor and get all the test done to make sure dates are correct and health is as good as we can make it.

That is still the way to go, although there is another add on or option which is available today which is mostly covered by Medicare and is under the supervision of the government's Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia.

Midwives in ancient times were the first to help mothers give birth. They not only offered actual birthing experience but a nurture quality, which only another woman can give at this very emotional and draining time. In those times they were called, 'the wise women' or 'mother's advisor and friend'. The English word 'midwife' means 'with woman' as it does in Spanish, French and Portuguese. It is also mentioned in the very first pages of the Bible, in the Book of Genesis, 35:17: "And when she (Rachel) was in her hard labour, the midwife said to her, 'Fear not, for now you will have another son.' One of the blights of mankind was during the Middle Ages, when a frenzy of witch-burning, promoted by both church and civic authorities, was responsible for the killing of up to several million women, many of whom were midwives and healers.

Today, they are highly trained, registered and qualified professionals and in much of the world, professional midwives are responsible for attending women in labour and birth. In fact, in the countries with the best pregnancy outcomes, midwives are the primary providers of care to pregnant women.

Virginia Scott is one of these professionals. She is not only a mother of four, she is a highly qualified and Registered Nurse and Midwife having worked in the major public hospitals around Sydney for over 12 years.

She has helped mothers-to-be come to terms with the emotional journey they are about to embark on, from both a caring ‘motherly’ way to being a professional guide during the whole pregnancy and actual birthing time.

Due to the ever-increasing number of women who are now looking for 'extra' care and nurture during pregnancy, she has decided to go into private practice. She calls it, 'Maternity Angel' which pretty much explains it all.

Her services can start before the very first moments of pregnancy right up until the birth, and as she keeps you family doctor in the loop, the complete package is a total care and nurture solution.

She is an ‘eligible’ midwife with a Medicare provider number. Therefore can arrange all of your ultrasound and blood tests. Because of this Medicare covers most, if not all of the fees.

If you are interested in learning more about this for yourself, a family member or a friend, give Virginia a call or go the website,

She will be very happy to tell you more about her services.

Her number is....

Media: Contact Virginia for more information. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. "> This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Phone: 0423623528

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