Visit @ 26 and more weeks
At these visits we will talk about where you and your baby are now on this journey and at..
26 weeks..
Arrange further blood tests as they are needed
Listen to your baby's heart and measure growth
Blood pressure check
28 weeks..
Arrange sugar test, full blood count, check blood group and anti bodies
Listen to your baby's heart and measure growth
Blood pressure check
30 weeks..
Discuss the results of the blood tests
Listen to your baby's heart and measure growth
Blood pressure check
33 weeks
Listen to your baby's heart and measure growth Blood pressure check
36 weeks..
If iron is low, we will discuss repeating the blood tests
Listen to your baby's heart and measure growth
Blood pressure check
38, 39 and 40 weeks..
Listen to your baby's heart and measure growth
Blood pressure check
Go over your expectations for delivery
And finally have plan in place for after delivery and in home postnatal care for you and your newborn